For the first time since Thanksgiving the Irregulars are coming to play, and I'm worried that I will play dismally. I tuned the dulcimer (sixty-four strings, again) and tested my memory with Coleman's March into Callum's Road. What a mess.
It seems I've lost my speed and my ability to cross the bridges without losing my place, and even Swinging on a Gate, which I should be able to bang out in a coma, sounded choppy and off tempo. This is lack of practice, but it's also the end result of the past couple of months of being trapped in a body brace.
For a lot of reasons I do not want playing with my friends to turn into a chore, or to be one more thing I need to worry about. Music is meant to be shared and joyful, and right now there's all this stuff about adequacy is getting in the way. (I keep telling myself that it's only seven weeks post surgery, and that I'm expecting too much, but I don't believe that.)
This picture reminds me that there was once a time when I played very nicely indeed, and I'm going to post it and enjoy it and try try try not to worry.
"Music is meant to be shared and joyful, and right now there's all this stuff about adequacy getting in the way. "
ReplyDeleteAh, well said, this is precisely how I feel about... a lot of things...